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Welcome to the Loans app project tutorial!

In this tutorial, you will build an example loans application using many of the techniques you learned in earlier tutorials

Topics covered in this tutorial

  • Loans Smart Contract
  • Module and Keyset
  • Define Schemas
  • Define Tables
  • Define Consts
  • Define Functions
  • Create Tables
  • Deploy Smart Contract

The goal of this tutorial is to ensure you understand the building blocks of Pact applications, eventually navigating you toward building more complex applications. It’s also meant to push you toward solving problems that you may not have seen before to build valuable new applications.

Key Takeaway

Loan creation and management is an excellent use case of Pact smart contracts. By combining what you know about modules, schemas, tables, and functions in new ways, you can already build useful and simple applications for complex problems.

Loans Smart Contract

Throughout this tutorial, you’ll get hands on and build a smart contract used to create, distribute, and manage loans.

This smart contract uses schemas and tables pretty extensively and will give you great experience setting up tables as well as writing many different functions that can be used to create and manipulate data within these tables.

A brief overview of each feature you’ll build is provided below.


As you can see, there are many different tables, const values, and functions meant to help provide a range of functionality for your users.

There is a lot of code in this application, and it will force you to think more proactively about how to solve each problem than earlier tutorials had done. If you get stuck, try using all of the resources provided, and look to the solution for further guidance if needed.

When you’re ready, continue to the next section to start building your Loans smart contract!

Project Environment Setup

To get started, choose a project directory and clone the project resources into your local environment.

git clone
git clone

Change into the loans directory to begin working on this project.


Open this directory in atom to see each of the files provided.

atom .
atom .

As you’ll see, there are a few separate folders available to you.

startProvides a starting point with all comments for every challenge.
challengesChallenges in the demo are broken out into separate files, allowing you to build your application over time while having the flexibility to experiment with your own ideas.
finishIncludes all comments and code for the final application.
loansIncludes final application without the challenge comments.

Each of these options are meant to help support you as you work through these challenges. Feel free to use them however you’d like to.

1. Module and Keyset

The first step is to create the module and keysets for your smart contract.

Code Challenge

Create a keyset named loans-admin-keyset and a module named loans that specifies access to this keyset.

If you’re unfamiliar with modules and keyset, our Pact Modules Tutorial is a great place to get started.

2. Define Schemas

The first step to build your module is to create the schema definitions for each table.

The loans smart contract will consist of 3 tables as shown below.


For this challenge, you’ll see each table presented as fields and types. Your goal is to create the schema definition for each of these tables.

Schema definitions are introduced in the Schemas and Tables Tutorial.

2.1 Loan Schema

The loan table will be used to hold loan entries.

loan table


Code Challenge

Take some time now to define the schema for the loan table.

2.2 Loan History Schema

The loan-history table will be used to track the loan’s histories. It includes each of the field names and field types shown below.

loan-history table


Code Challenge

Take some time now to define the schema for the loan-history table.

2.3 Loan Inventory Schema

The loan-inventory table will be used to hold inventory balance.

loan-inventory table


Code Challenge

Take some time now to define the schema for the loan-inventory table.

3. Define Tables

Having defined each of the schemas for each table in your smart contract, you are now ready to define the tables.

Code Challenge

Take some time now to define each of the tables for the loans smart contract.

Table definitions are covered in the Pact Schemas and Tables Tutorial.

4. Define Consts

The loans smart contract contains a few const values that will be used to pass values into functions and tables.

The purpose of each of these constants will be more clear as you begin integrating them into functionality of your contract using functions. For now, complete the challenge to define the constants within your smart contract.

Code Challenge

Take some time now to define each of the const values INITIATED and ASSIGNED in the loans smart contract.

Constant definitions are covered in the documentation here.

5. Functions

When working with tables, there are four useful types of functions that you’ll be using in your smart contract.

Utility FunctionsPerform routine operations callable by other functions.
Insert FunctionsInsert new rows into a table.
Update FunctionsUpdate values within a table.
Read FunctionsRead values from a table.

The functions you’ll create in the loans smart contract will use combinations of these built in functions to insert, update, and read data from the tables in your smart contract.

You can review each of these function types in the Pact Schemas and Tables Tutorial.

Utility Functions

Your first function will be a utility function meant to help combine the parameters into an inventory key.

5.1 Inventory-key

Code Challenge

Create a function named inventory-key that creates a key from the owner and loanId in the format “loanId:owner”.

The reason for starting with this function is so that you can use it as a tool as you progress through other functions in the smart contract.


Try using the format function to combine inputs into a string.

Insert and Update Functions

The following 3 functions use a combination of read, insert, and update to add and update data in each of the tables you created. These functions will allow your users to accomplish important tasks like creating a loan, assigning a loan, and selling a loan.

5.2 Create-a-loan

First, you’ll need to create a function to create a loan.

Creating a loan can be done by populating specific columns with the appropriate loan data. Take a look at the tables below to see each of the columns that you will insert data into.





Code Challenge

Given these requirements, construct a function named create-a-loan that accepts parameters loanId, loanName, entityName, and loanAmount to add the appropriate information to each table.

5.3 Assign-a-loan

Now that you can create a loan, it is important to be able to assign that loan to a specific entity when needed.

To do that, you will both collect data from inputs and read existing data from tables. Using the combination of this data, you can then assign a loan and update the appropriate data.

For the loans-table, you will need to both read and update data using the correct built-in functions.


“entityName”:= entityNamereadloans-table
“loanAmount”:= issuerBalancereadloans-table
“status”: ASSIGNEDupdateloanId

For the loan-history-table, you will need to insert data from inputs and data that is read from other tables.


“loanId”: loanIdinsertinput
“buyer”: buyerinsertinput
“seller”: entityNameinsertloans-table
“amount”: amountinsertinput

The loan-inventory-table will have new data added and updated as needed.


“balance”: amountinsertinventory-key
“balance”: (- issuerBalance amount)updateinventory-key

Code Challenge

This code challenge is complex, so take your time and don’t worry if you get stuck. Follow each line as shown and try to construct the functionality needed to assign-a-loan.


Break up the needs of each table into separate functions. This will help you read, insert, and update data in the appropriate order.

5.4 Sell-a-loan

The goal of the next function is similar to allow users to sell a loan. This function create a new row in the loan-history-table. This time, there is no table provided to help guide you. Try creating one for yourself if it is useful or follow the comments to complete the challenge.

Code Challenge

This is another difficult problem. Take your time and leverage what you learned in the previous section to help create this function.


Consult the documentation and Schema and Tables tutorial for guidance on built-in functions like bind, insert, with-read, and others.

Read Functions

The next set of functions will allow you to read important information from the tables you created. These functions are much shorter than previous functions and the comments within the challenge files are hopefully enough to get you started.

5.5 read-a-loan

Code Challenge

Create a function named read-a-loan that returns the values at a given loanId.

5.6 read-loan-tx

Code Challenge

Create a function named read-loan-tx that reads loan txids.

5.7 read-all-loans

Code Challenge

Create a function named read-all-loans that selects all values from the loans table.

5.8 read-inventory-pair

Code Challenge

Create a function named read-inventory-pair that reads the balance of a given key.

5.9 read-loan-inventory

Code Challenge

Create a function named read-loan-inventory that reads the loan-inventory-table.

5.10 read-loans-with-status

Code Challenge

Create a function named read-loans-with-status that reads all loans with a specific status.

6. Create Tables

Earlier in the smart contract, you defined 3 schemas and tables. Now that the module is complete, you are ready to move outside of the module to create each of these tables.

Code Challenge

Take some time now to create each of the tables for the loans smart contract.

Table creation is covered in the Tables and Schemas Tutorial.

Deploy the Smart Contract

Congratulations, at this point you have completed the Loans smart contract!

If you’d like, you can try deploying this smart contract. You can deploy this contract using the Pact Onine Editor or from the Pact Atom SDK. If you choose to deploy this locally, you’ll need the REPL file which you can find inside of the repository you cloned.

For help getting started and deploying in each of these environments, try the following tutorials.


That wraps up this tutorial on the Loans app.

By completing this tutorial, you’ve mastered many of the core ideas surrounding modules, schemas, tables, and functions, to tackle unfamiliar problems in new ways. Not only that, you’ve put each of these ideas into practice to create a smart contract that solves a very complex real world problem.

The same ideas you learned here can be applied to many other industries. Having the ability to create tables and manipulate data to create useful applications encompasses everything it means to build the back end of a blockchain application using Pact.

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